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Estate Planning Articles

McNair Dallas Law

Traditional Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage: Costs and Consequences

As over half of Medicare beneficiaries are now enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, concerns are mounting over the increased financial burden these plans place ...
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Smiling older woman - solo ager

Older Singles Can Plan to Protect Themselves

Aging solo is about those individuals who are widowed or not married, live alone and have no family or none they can count on. They ...
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Non-traditional families need estate planning.

Planning for the Future for Non-Traditional Families

Some people are concerned that the new conservative 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court will roll back protections for non-traditional families. Regardless of the decisions ...
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Aging Solo

Estate Planning is Vital for Solo Agers

This is big concern for millions of older Americans who don’t have a spouse, children or other family they can depend on to watch out ...
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A large family gathers outside to discuss important topics like estate planning.

How Can I Conduct a Family Meeting about Family Wealth Planning?

When there is a large inheritance at stake (or even when there isn’t), it is a great idea to get everyone on the same page. ...
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Brother and sister sitting on the couch disagreeing about their inheritance

How to Pass on Family Heirlooms with Fewer Estate Battles

There are better—and often more creative—ways to plan and divide that can avoid family squabbles over cars, jewelry, furniture and household items.
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