Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Medicare Advantage: Costs and Consequences

Traditional Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage

As over half of Medicare beneficiaries are now enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, concerns are mounting over the increased financial burden these plans place on Medicare’s finances. Despite the higher costs, MA plans do not deliver better health outcomes or more affordable care for enrollees compared to Traditional Medicare.

Older Singles Can Plan to Protect Themselves

Smiling older woman - solo ager

Aging solo is about those individuals who are widowed or not married, live alone and have no family or none they can count on. They are going through the last years of their lives on their own. It can be just fine until one’s health declines and the usual activities and access to friends get out of reach.

Estate Planning is Vital for Solo Agers

Aging Solo

This is big concern for millions of older Americans who don’t have a spouse, children or other family they can depend on to watch out for their well-being.

Maintaining Independence as We Age

Advance Directives improve Independence

This is also the time to consider what plans are in place to ensure you can maintain your own independence in the coming years. This includes creating or updating your estate plan, to be sure it reflects your wishes for your future and your family’s future.

Good News about Social Security

Good news about Social Security.

For a long time, the Social Security Trustees have been warning that the retirement benefits system is facing some future financial hardships.

Crafting a Legacy of Love this Father’s Day

Three generations celebrating Father's Day.

Congratulations, Dad! You’ve journeyed through the many stages of fatherhood, from guiding your children through their formative years to witnessing them become parents themselves. Amid all the challenges of recent times, your family has not only endured but thrived. As you reflect on these accomplishments, there’s a new horizon to consider: creating a lasting legacy of care and love for your family.

How to Support a Child with Special Needs?

Young man with Special Needs with his parents - needs Elder Law Planning.

Families that include individuals with special needs require planning to secure their loved ones’ security in the future, both in legal and financial terms. There’s usually no expectation of the child becoming an independent adult, so careful planning is needed, as advised in the recent article “Financial Planning for Families with Disabilities” from Wealth Management. Many families neglect planning for their retirement, focusing all their resources on developing a plan for their disabled child. However, retirement and their child’s future need to be secured, which is where an estate planning attorney can help.

What Does an Elder Law Attorney Do?

An Elder Law Attorney can help couples and individuals age 50+.

Estate Planning may not be something you necessarily WANT to think about, but it could protect your interests and wishes long after you are gone.

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