Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Do We Need Estate Planning?

Estate Tax Gifting Exemption

Everyone, regardless of financial status or age, can benefit from having an estate plan—assuming you have assets to leave and people to leave them to.

How Fathers Leave a Legacy of Caring

Father's Day Legacy

A Father’s legacy includes sharing the values and history of your family. The next time a grandchild points their phone at you and asks you what your childhood was like or asks to learn more about your own parent’s journey, don’t be shy. Tell them the stories you were told, even if you don’t have every single detail.

What are Biggest Financial Blunders Folks make after 50?

financial blunders after 50

Reaching age 50 is a milestone that most of us celebrate. Still, after you’ve blown out the candles and bid farewell to your guests, you may have a headache from too much champagne, but otherwise feel the same as before.

Some Assets Better Left Outside of Will

Photo of a Last Will and Testament with a pen.

That last will and testament you have tucked away? It may not be the last word on what happens to your stuff after you are gone. Instead, that legal document’s directives for doling out your wealth may be overruled by other paper­work and relevant laws.

How Safe Are Your Aging Parents?

Three generations family - Estate Planning for Aging Parents

As the American population of seniors continues to expand, the need for intentional estate planning becomes more urgent, especially for the children of aging parents.

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