Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

What Does an Elder Law Attorney Do?

An Elder Law Attorney can help couples and individuals age 50+.

Estate Planning may not be something you necessarily WANT to think about, but it could protect your interests and wishes long after you are gone.

Drawbacks to Medicare Advantage Plans

Shower Chair needed when Medicare Advantage discharges too quickly

If you have a Medicare Advantage plan and require a brief stay at a nursing home or rehabilitation facility, you could be in for an unpleasant surprise, according to a Kaiser Health News report.

Cost of Caregiving Can Cause Conflict

Caregiver Stress

Family members of all kinds have fought over money matters since time immemorial, but it may be worse for cash-strapped caregiving families. The costs of caregiving activities, including hiring aides, buying supplie, and covering medical and pharmacy copays, negatively affect family caregivers’ pocketbooks and morale.

Will I Be Ready for Long-Term Care?

Crisis Planning Medicaid

For some, retirement means ‘where will we play today’s round of golf?’ For others, it could mean, ‘do I pay for my meds or my rent?’ In either case, a few concerns touch every retiree. The topic of long-term care is one of them, at least subconsciously. The question that causes more than a few sleepless nights is, ‘What happens when I can’t take care of myself anymore?’

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