Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Medicare Advantage: Costs and Consequences

Traditional Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage

As over half of Medicare beneficiaries are now enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, concerns are mounting over the increased financial burden these plans place on Medicare’s finances. Despite the higher costs, MA plans do not deliver better health outcomes or more affordable care for enrollees compared to Traditional Medicare.

Estate Planning is Vital for Solo Agers

Aging Solo

This is big concern for millions of older Americans who don’t have a spouse, children or other family they can depend on to watch out for their well-being.

Maintaining Independence as We Age

Advance Directives improve Independence

This is also the time to consider what plans are in place to ensure you can maintain your own independence in the coming years. This includes creating or updating your estate plan, to be sure it reflects your wishes for your future and your family’s future.

Best Home Modifications to Maintain Independence

Accessible Home Modifications

As they get older, many — even most — Americans prefer to remain in their own homes as long as they can, AKA “age in place.” However, to do that, many will need to make their residences safer and easier to navigate, by making home modifications.

Good News about Social Security

Good news about Social Security.

For a long time, the Social Security Trustees have been warning that the retirement benefits system is facing some future financial hardships.

How to Keep the Vacation Home in the Family

Vacation Home

Vacation property can become a family legacy. Keeping your cabin, fishing lodge, hunting property or other special assets separate for future generations is often a special goal for a family.

Ensuring Your Estate Plan is Current Before Traveling: A Step-by-Step Guide

Older couple on vacation point to the horizon.

Planning a trip can be exciting, but before you jet off, it’s essential to ensure that your estate plan is up-to-date. Life is unpredictable, and having a current estate plan provides peace of mind, knowing that your wishes will be honored if anything unexpected happens. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you ensure your estate plan is current before traveling.

Affluent Parents Maximize Tax-Free Giving to Children

Affluent couple with grand daughter reading a book on the couch.

Affluent estate owners are opting to support their children and grandchildren financially during their lifetimes. We explore three strategies that can maximize tax-free giving to consider in your estate planning.

Should I Ask Mom and Pop about Their Finances?

Daughter talks with mom about estate planning on the couch.

There are now more than 70 million Baby Boomers in the U.S. However, millions of adult children may not be prepared to make important decisions about their parents’ future if necessary, because of a lack of knowledge about their parents’ finances.

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