How Older Adults Fight Isolation and Give Back to Their Communities
Volunteering and charitable giving are enriching and rewarding ways for older adults to stay connected, fight social isolation, and be engaged while making a difference in their communities.
Medicare Advantage: Costs and Consequences
As over half of Medicare beneficiaries are now enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, concerns are mounting over the increased financial burden these plans place on Medicare’s finances. Despite the higher costs, MA plans do not deliver better health outcomes or more affordable care for enrollees compared to Traditional Medicare.
Good News about Social Security
For a long time, the Social Security Trustees have been warning that the retirement benefits system is facing some future financial hardships.
The Ultimate Retirement Bucket List: A Prescription for Mental Health
A bucket list is not just a collection of dreams – it’s a prescription for mental well-being in retirement. By staying active, engaged, and focused on meaningful goals, older adults can cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment that carries them through their later years. What are you waiting for? Start making your ultimate retirement bucket list today.
How Many Americans Live with Dementia?
About one in 10 U.S. adults over 65 has dementia and even more have mild cognitive impairment, updated national estimates suggested.
Navigating the Financial Journey Living to 100
In an era where living to 100 is becoming increasingly likely, financial planning for retirement takes on a new level of complexity.
Rethinking Retirement
When contemplating retirement, a review of the past, present, and future highlights the relatively recent and complex evolution of this modern concept.
Can I Avoid Costly Medicare Mistakes?
Workers who are nearing age 65 and have health insurance through their job may want to consider how Medicare could factor into their medical coverage.
Should I Enroll in Medicare Before I Retire?
A recent survey found that a third of those nearing retirement age (62-64) who plan to keep working past 65 don’t understand they can sign up for what is often more affordable Medicare coverage, even while they’re still employed. Kiplinger’s recent article, “Yes, You Can Sign Up for Medicare While You’re Still Working,” says that with retirement further away for many, some people must get some help understanding their options. The article answers some common questions concerning retirement postponement and Medicare coverage, including common misperceptions. Your retirement decision is personal and dependent on your situation. Access to health coverage is…
Can a Vacation Home Be Kept in the Family for Generations?
These vacation homes may also comprise a significant portion of the family’s wealth. Therefore, it’s understandable that homeowners want to pass their properties and family traditions to future generations.