Why Can’t Rock Stars Retire?

With his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour, Elton John confirmed his latest plans for retirement. The final show of the tour in July 2023 will be his last. However, deja vu suggests this might not be the last we see of Elton.
Retirees Burdened with Debt: What’s the Most Common?

Talk to just about any financial adviser, and they will urge you to enter retirement without debt. However, while a goal of beginning your golden years in the black is laudable, the reality can be very different.
How Will Social Security Change Next Year?

Social Security recipients likely already know that their benefits get a bump almost every year to counteract the effect of inflation. However, that cost-of-living adjustment is just one of several annual tweaks to the Social Security system.
Can I Retire in a Bear Market?

It is a longtime investor’s worst fear: retiring into a bear market. A downturn in stocks can be a blessing in disguise when you are still working and saving for retirement, because you are able to buy shares ‘on sale.’
Can You Catch-up? IRS Increases Contributions Limits

If you find that you have fallen behind in your retirement savings, you are not alone. Investment advisor Vanguard reported recently that only 14% of 401(k) participants contributed the maximum amount annually, and only 16% of eligible employees 50+ made additional catch-up contributions.
Social Security Retirement Age Changing for Boomers and Beyond

While you can start Social Security payments at age 62, your monthly checks are reduced if you begin collecting benefits at this age. To claim your full benefit, you need to sign up for Social Security at your full retirement age, which varies by birth year.
Key Dates for Planning Retirement

Each type of retirement benefit has a different eligibility age. Your age plays a big role in how much you can expect to receive from Social Security and what you need to do to avoid retirement account penalties.
How are Seniors Partnering Up?

Fearing that a romantic attachment in later life will lead to full-time caregiving, many couples are choosing commitment without sharing a home.
How Is Social Security COLA Calculated?

For the average recipient, the 2021 monthly increase doesn’t even cover a fill-up at the gas station — but it beats nothing.
Is Medicaid the Answer to Rising Costs?

Planning for long-term care can be an intimidating process, especially when it comes to decoding the specifics of resources, like Medicaid and Veterans Pensions. Working with the help of an experienced elder law planning attorney allows people to prepare for the future and save time, money and stress.