Essential Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

What are Latest Trends in Senior Care Facility Design?

Senior Housing Design Trends

The senior care industry has undergone tremendous change recently. While senior care operations may be reshaped and reimagined, the same is occurring to the physical buildings and layouts of senior care communities. New trends are emerging, many of which will likely have a lasting impact on the industry.

How Does a Breakthrough COVID Infection Feel?

Napping and heart health

Generally speaking, vaccinated people who contract COVID-19 and develop symptoms are prone to the same ones that an unvaccinated person might experience. These include fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Loss of taste or smell can sometimes serve as telltale clue, although it doesn’t happen to everyone.

Will VA Keep Telehealth Options?

Telehealth Visits

Telehealth and online medical appointments will remain a key part of veterans health care even after the pandemic disappears, the Veterans Affairs secretary promised on Wednesday. However. department officials may need Congress’ help to ensure that.

Should I Discuss Estate Planning with My Children?

grandparent wealth transfer

Many baby boomers may hesitate to discuss money with their children. However, the reality is that a massive amount of wealth will be transferred in the next couple of decades. Cerulli Associates estimates that about $68 trillion will move between generations within 25 years, with most of those assets transferred to Generation X households.

Top 5 Telehealth Preparation Tips

telehealth preparation tips

When you used to think of a typical doctor’s appointment, you might conjure up images of waiting rooms, stethoscopes and maybe stickers. Now, that image has changed quite a bit. With the world shifting to increasingly remote communication amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, health appointments are often being limited to extended phone calls and video interactions. This is referred to as ‘telehealth.’

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