Why are Siblings Battling over Mom’s Estate?
A 14-year-long legal fight among five siblings over a Queens woman’s estate has gotten so nasty that it landed two elderly sisters in jail, and now one of them may lose her home.
What Does UK Study Say about Dementia Patients Seeing the Same Doctor?
Study finds patients who consistently see same GP have fewer health complications and emergency hospital visits.
What are the Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes
With apologies to poet Robert Burns, the best-laid estate plans of women and men sometimes go awry.
What Legal Terms in Estate Planning do Non-Lawyers Need to Know?
For most people, entering the realm of estate planning can feel a bit like traveling as a tourist into another culture. Because the language itself is unfamiliar, asking a question can result in an answer that is equally confusing.
What was Stephen Sondheim’s Estate Plan?
Broadway legend Stephen Sondheim left behind an estate estimated to be worth as much as $75 million to his husband, charities and a dozen other friends, court papers show.
Does a Beneficiary Designation Overrule a Will?
Non-probate assets are those assets which do not go into an estate when the owner dies.
Why Should I Have a Living Will?
As a review of terms, a will is a legal document that specifies how a person’s estate should be handled only after that person’s death. A living will has nothing to do with how your “things” like property, money, jewelry, etc. are to be distributed. Unlike a will, it is, in fact, a document that comes into play while you’re still alive.
How Do I Conduct an Estate Sale?
Preparing for an estate sale can be a difficult and emotionally challenging task.
When Do I Need to Review My Will?
Whether you drew up a will recently or years ago, keep in mind it’s generally not something you can set and forget.
Will Moving to a New State Impact My Estate Planning?
However, if you are retired and no longer generating employment income, you should make sure you weigh the financial implications of any potential move.