Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Second Marriages and Estate Planning

Second Marriage

More Americans are now getting married over the age of 65 than ever before. Even though this may be a second or third marriage for many, caregivers should nevertheless be aware of certain aspects that shouldn’t be ignored amidst all the wedding plans and celebrations.

Am I Getting All the Social Security Benefits I Can?

Trust Planning

Money Talks News’ recent article entitled “7 Social Security Benefits You May Be Overlooking” says that the Social Security Administration provides payments to spouses, children and those with disabilities, among others. Let’s look at this in detail. Spousal benefits via a husband or wife. Spouses can get up to half of their husband’s or wife’s…

Social Security Retirement Age Changing for Boomers and Beyond

Comfortable Lifestyle

While you can start Social Security payments at age 62, your monthly checks are reduced if you begin collecting benefits at this age. To claim your full benefit, you need to sign up for Social Security at your full retirement age, which varies by birth year.

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