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This Breathing Trick may Make You More Heart-Healthy

Older Women Exercising outside

A simple five-minute daily breathing exercise lowers blood pressure and potentially improves heart health as well as — or even better than — exercise or medications, say researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Best Home Modifications to Maintain Independence

Accessible Home Modifications

As they get older, many — even most — Americans prefer to remain in their own homes as long as they can, AKA “age in place.” However, to do that, many will need to make their residences safer and easier to navigate, by making home modifications.

Does Mediterranean Diet Reduce Dementia Risk?

Brain scans - Hemsworth more likely to develop Alzheimer's

Following a well-balanced diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables and low in sugar can have many benefits to your health, including reducing a person’s risk of dementia. However, a popular and well-recommended meal plan known as the Mediterranean diet may not lower the odds of developing dementia as previous research had suggested.

What Do Seniors Say About Aging in Place?

Older man experiencing social security fraud with Artificial Intelligence

For all the pain and disruption caused by COVID-19, at least one benefit appears to have come out of the pandemic for seniors: Their confidence about aging in place has soared!

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