Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

How Safe Are Your Aging Parents?

Three generations family - Estate Planning for Aging Parents

As the American population of seniors continues to expand, the need for intentional estate planning becomes more urgent, especially for the children of aging parents.

What are Benefits of Pre-Planning My Funeral?

pre-planning funerals

Questions around death planning can feel overwhelming: Cremation or burial or natural organic reduction? What will your family want, and what will it cost? Do you really need to think about all this if you’re young and healthy right now—or can you put off these decisions until you’re older or dealing with a life-threatening illness?

Can I Avoid the Economic Dangers of Caregiving?

Caregiving Burnout

If caregiving looms in your future — and it likely does if you’re a daughter, an only child or the one (if you are, you know what I mean) — take time now to protect your financial life.

What Happens to Parents’ Debt when They Die?

credit card debt paid by adult child?

Adult children typically don’t have to pay their parents’ bills. However, there are exceptions.  Even when a child doesn’t have to pay directly, debt could reduce what they inherit.

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