Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Estate Planning After Remarriage

Estate Planning After Remarriage

Married people in second marriages with prior children often have to balance the future well-being of their spouse with that of their own children.

How to Manage a Will and a Trust

IRA Conversion

By definition, a Will accounts for a person’s wishes of how their assets and estate should be distributed and handled once they die. It spells out who should get what and who should do what, after the benefactor’s demise.

When Did You Last Review Beneficiary Designation Forms?

big tax mistakes in retirement

When it comes to your retirement accounts, do you know who your beneficiaries are? These types of accounts have complex distribution rules and significant tax implications for those who inherit them. This complexity is compounded, if there are errors or missing information on your beneficiary forms, as is often the case. Add to this the game-changer SECURE ACT, the largest retirement legislation that has been passed in decades—and there has never been a more important time to review your beneficiary forms.

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