Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Why Should I Have a Living Will?

Living Will

As a review of terms, a will is a legal document that specifies how a person’s estate should be handled only after that person’s death. A living will has nothing to do with how your “things” like property, money, jewelry, etc. are to be distributed. Unlike a will, it is, in fact, a document that comes into play while you’re still alive.

Now is the Right Time to Approach Parents about Estate Planning

Estate Tax Gifting Exemption

If you have a parent over the age of, say, 65, thoughts about their future may have started to creep into your mind. However, because end-of-life planning can be emotional and overwhelming, it’s tempting to put these conversations off—and even more pleasing to avoid them altogether.

What are Digital Assets in an Estate?

Digital Assets Cryptocurrency

Today, so many aspects of our lives are managed virtually. We keep currency, photos, music, documents, bills, medical records, artwork and even our social lives online or ‘in the cloud.’

What Should Same-Sex Couples Know about Estate Planning?

Estate Planning for same-sex couples

Some people might assume that estate planning is only for the wealthy. However, the reality is that anyone can, and should, engage in estate planning, regardless of wealth. Although creating an estate plan for same-sex couples isn’t totally different than for heterosexual couples, there are some considerations that are unique to same-sex couples.

Pet Owner Considers Estate Planning for Fido

Estate Planning for Pets

Whether referred to as companion animals, service animals or simply as pets, they play an important part in the lives of many. Owners can use estate planning tools to ensure their pets continue to receive proper care, if the owner becomes incapacitated or dies.

Celebrating 5 Years as a CELA

Certified Elder Law Attorney John McNair

This month I celebrate the five year anniversary of earning the National Elder Law Foundation’s Certified Elder Law Attorney, or CELA, designation. 

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