Essential Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

How The SECURE Act Changed the Stretch IRA

Social Security COLA Benefits

In the pre-SECURE Act universe, there were designated beneficiaries. These beneficiaries could be individuals (sometimes called named beneficiaries), institutions, such as charities, or estates.

Preparing for an Estate Planning Consultation


While most initial meetings with an estate planning attorney will result in some questions you likely have never considered, there are many ways in which you can prepare for a thoughtful and productive estate planning conference that will result in a better understanding of your goals and more efficient use of time with your attorney.

How to Manage a Will and a Trust

IRA Conversion

By definition, a Will accounts for a person’s wishes of how their assets and estate should be distributed and handled once they die. It spells out who should get what and who should do what, after the benefactor’s demise.

Every Adult Needs a Will and a Health Care Power of Attorney

grandparent wealth transfer

A serious illness can happen at any age, but just 18% of those 55 and older have a living will, power of attorney for health care and a last will and testament, according to a 2019 study by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. AZ Central’s recent article entitled “What to know about wills and health care…

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