Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

What’s the Latest on Controversial New Alzheimer’s Drug Aduhelm?

Alzheimer's Drug

Medicare officials have decided that the federal health insurance program should only cover the controversial new Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm for patients who are participating in approved clinical trials. The preliminary decision, reached after lengthy deliberations, was released on Tuesday by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or C.M.S. If it is finalized later this year, it would significantly limit the number of patients who could use the expensive drug.

How Do I Know If Dad Needs Personal Care Help?

Personal Care Assistance

Relationships can be complicated under the best of circumstances. However, when you see someone you love — like an aging parent, grandparent or close friend — struggle to take care of their health, stepping in isn’t always so simple.

Will Congress Provide more Resources for Elder Care?

IRA Inheritance Changes

As the baby boom generation gets older, families are trying to figure out how to keep their parents out of nursing homes — which became even less attractive when Covid-19 ravaged assisted living facilities — while dealing with their growing and expensive needs. They’re also about to become the center of a political fight in Washington.

Alzheimer’s Foundation Unveils New Model Apartment

Dementia friendly apartment

Welcome to ‘The Apartment,’ a full-scale model of a home in New York City designed by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America to show how technology and innovative design ideas can help people living with dementia.

Power of Attorney Dos and Don’ts

Advance Care Planning

We see recurring confusion about what it means to be appointed with authority over money in a Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) for aging parents.

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