Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Executive Order Helps Caregivers with Long-Term Care

Husband caregiving for his wife - Medicaid Myths

President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed an executive order in the Rose Garden that issues more than 50 directives across nearly every Cabinet-level agency in an effort to expand access to long-term care and childcare.

Aging Life Care Managers

Aging Life Care Managers (ALCA)

As many family caregivers know all too well, caring for an elderly loved one can overwhelm you quickly.

Cost of Caregiving Can Cause Conflict

Caregiver Stress

Family members of all kinds have fought over money matters since time immemorial, but it may be worse for cash-strapped caregiving families. The costs of caregiving activities, including hiring aides, buying supplie, and covering medical and pharmacy copays, negatively affect family caregivers’ pocketbooks and morale.

What Changes are Considered to VA Caregiver Programs?

Veterans Administration

Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough said top officials will re-evaluate ongoing changes to the department’s caregiver support program, which could take away stipends from thousands of families over the next year.

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