Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Does My Family Have to Pay My Credit Card Debt When I Die?

credit card debt paid by adult child?

Especially with the average U.S. household having $7,027 in revolving credit card debt and Americans owing a total of $416.1 billion in credit card debt, according to a recent Nerdwallet study, some Americans will have credit card debt for the rest of their lives. However, what happens to credit card debt when you die?

Trusts can Work for ‘Regular’ People

Estate Planning Gifting

When you hear the word trust fund, you might think of the uber-wealthy giving their kids a big chunk of cash on their 25th birthday. However, trust funds aren’t just for the rich.

How The SECURE Act Changed the Stretch IRA

Social Security COLA Benefits

In the pre-SECURE Act universe, there were designated beneficiaries. These beneficiaries could be individuals (sometimes called named beneficiaries), institutions, such as charities, or estates.

Big Tax Mistakes to Avoid When Retiring

big tax mistakes in retirement

One of the best ways to prepare for retirement is to set aside money in a tax-advantaged retirement account. Hopefully, you have done so year after year and built a nice nest egg.

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