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What are Biggest Mistakes in Estate Planning?

Estate Planning Gifting

As you’re making your estate plan, you’ll want to carefully consider everything. This means it may take a while to complete your plan. Here are five things to watch out for along the way.

What Should Same-Sex Couples Know about Estate Planning?

Estate Planning for same-sex couples

Some people might assume that estate planning is only for the wealthy. However, the reality is that anyone can, and should, engage in estate planning, regardless of wealth. Although creating an estate plan for same-sex couples isn’t totally different than for heterosexual couples, there are some considerations that are unique to same-sex couples.

Do Singles Need Estate Planning?

Singles Need Estate Plans

If you don’t have a spouse or children, you might think you don’t need to do much estate planning. However, if you have any assets, any familial connections, any interest in supporting charitable groups – not to mention a desire to control your own future – you do need to establish an estate plan.

8 Essential Estate Planning Documents

Estate Tax Gifting Exemption

If you want loved ones to remember you fondly, tackle your estate planning tasks. Your heirs will thank you for not leaving a legal mess to sort out.

How to Protect Loved Ones from Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse Isolation Covid-19

The pandemic has kept our aging parents away from us and us away from them for over a year. This isolation is not total. Some people have access, some ignore warnings and some are intent on using the pandemic to hide their actions.

How to Avoid Probate

Update Will

How can we avoid probate and reduce the estate tax for our beneficiaries, who are our two adult children?

Estate Planning After Remarriage

Estate Planning After Remarriage

Married people in second marriages with prior children often have to balance the future well-being of their spouse with that of their own children.

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