Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Planning for the Future for Non-Traditional Families

Non-traditional families need estate planning.

Some people are concerned that the new conservative 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court will roll back protections for non-traditional families. Regardless of the decisions at the Supreme Court, or the impact on the state family courts, there are many ways that non-traditional families can maintain control.

Do We Need Estate Planning?

Estate Tax Gifting Exemption

Everyone, regardless of financial status or age, can benefit from having an estate plan—assuming you have assets to leave and people to leave them to.

Elder Law Essentials in Texas

Estate Tax Planning

Elder law is an aspect of estate planning focusing primarily on the needs of families and individuals as they age.

Here’s Why You Need an Estate Plan

estate planning

No matter what line of work you are in, estate planning has facets that apply to everyone, and it comes down to documenting wishes and avoiding probate and unnecessary taxes. Too many people put it off, but, in general, the sooner you do it, the better.

What New Fathers Need to Know About Estate Planning

New Fathers Estate Planning

New fathers actively engaged in their children’s lives understand their responsibility to plan for the future. While the idea of parents dying and leaving young children without loving parents is unimaginable, it does happen.

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