Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

What Planning Should I Do in My 50s?

Estate planning in your 50s

If you are one of the many people who start getting serious about their finances as they reach their 50s, enjoy this guide for your next steps.

Relieve Regret About Retirement Savings

Estate Tax Planning 2022

A 2019 survey by Global Atlantic Financial Group, which sells annuities, asked more than 4,000 Americans, pre-retirees and retirees, about their retirement savings. Of those surveyed, 55% said they had regrets. The top three were that they: Did not save enough. Relied too much on Social Security. Did not pay down debt before retiring. However,…

What Do I Need to Do During Medicare Open Enrollment?

Medicare Open Enrollment

It’s hard to escape the Medicare ads that fill the airways each fall, when insurance companies vie for beneficiaries’ attention during the annual open enrollment period. Running from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, this period is when the more than 63 million Medicare beneficiaries can pick a new Medicare Part D drug plan, a new Medicare Advantage plan, or switch from Original Medicare into a Medicare Advantage plan or vice versa.

Will Inflation Ruin My Retirement?

IRA Secure Act

As America’s economy reopens, we’re seeing higher inflation rates. This unwelcome surge should prompt retirees to consider the threat it could pose to their financial security.

What Should Small Business Owners Know about Estate Planning?

Small business owners have their hands overflowing with issues, and they devote most of their time to matters related to the smooth running of the business. Having no time to think about other matters, they do not bother about estate planning for them.

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