How Do I Protect My Spouse and My Children in a Second Marriage?
Who’s going to inherit on the death of one of the re-marrieds? Will this be the surviving spouse? If so, where will those inherited monies go on the second-to-die’s death?
Organize Your Important Papers and Get Personal and Financial Affairs in Order
The first step in getting your affairs in order is to gather up all your important personal, financial and legal information, so you can arrange it in a format that will benefit you now and your loved ones later.
Elder Law Essentials in Texas
Elder law is an aspect of estate planning focusing primarily on the needs of families and individuals as they age.
Resolve to Do Your Estate Planning in 2024
Creating or reviewing an estate plan is something that many people know they should do but often put off. It’s natural to say things like: “I’ll take care of it later,” or “I don’t have enough money to have an estate plan.” However, life and circumstances happen that may be out of your control. Every adult needs…
Here’s Why You Need an Estate Plan
No matter what line of work you are in, estate planning has facets that apply to everyone, and it comes down to documenting wishes and avoiding probate and unnecessary taxes. Too many people put it off, but, in general, the sooner you do it, the better.
Use Estate Planning to Prepare for Cognitive Decline
Data from sources like the U.S. Census Bureau shows in no uncertain terms that the U.S. population has grown older over the prior two decades.
Do Texas Newcomers Need to Update Their Wills?
While legally you may not need all-new estate planning documents if you move to a different state, you should have your documents reviewed by a local attorney in your new home.
Key Documents For Your College Kid
A critical item is often missing from back-to-school college checklists — and it could be far more valuable than anything else your student takes to school this fall: signed legal documents.
What is a Pour-Over Will?
This type of will can ensure that your assets go where you want them to. However, there are many misconceptions about them.
What is HIPAA Authorization?
Other than covered entities and business associates, which other entities are covered by the HIPAA rules?