What are Biggest Financial Blunders Folks make after 50?

Reaching age 50 is a milestone that most of us celebrate. Still, after you’ve blown out the candles and bid farewell to your guests, you may have a headache from too much champagne, but otherwise feel the same as before.
Choose Wisely When Naming an Agent with a Power of Attorney

Children may have moved away or lost touch. Old contacts may have died or become disabled. You cannot trust everyone and criminal cases based on misuse of a power of attorney do exist.
What Is Elder Law?

Elder Law is made up of three major categories, which can be broken down further into deeper topics.
5 Tips to Help You Avoid Estate Planning Scams

The Wealth Advisor’s recent article entitled “Beware of These Common Estate Planning Scams” advises you to avoid these common estate planning scams. Cold Calls Offering to Prepare Estate Plans. Scammers call and email purporting to be long lost relatives who’ve had their wallets stolen and are stranded in a foreign country. Seniors fall prey to…
What Does it Mean to be Dementia Friendly?

“A Dementia-Friendly community is informed, safe, and respectful of individuals living with dementia, their families and caregivers, and provides supportive options that foster a good quality of life.” DFAmerica.org The Dementia Friendly Movement Dementia Friendly America envisions an America where individuals living with dementia and their care partners can live, engage, and thrive in the […]
Can Someone Living with Dementia Sign Legal Documents?

Families and their loved ones with dementia need to start advance care planning after receiving a diagnosis of dementia. Medical experts and attorneys can help your loved one to be involved in their care planning.
Texas Updates Alzheimer’s Plan

Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) present significant challenges for individuals, families, and communities. To address these challenges, the State of Texas has developed its second in a series of Plans. The 2024 – 2028 Texas State Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (The Plan) outlines a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach to improving public education, risk reduction, care coordination, and support for those living with and affected by ADRD.
Single and Over 50? Estate Planning Is a Must

The population of single adults without children aged 50 and over is growing. Estate planning for single people can protect your future quality of life and carry on your wishes when you’re gone.
Is Your Student Off to College? Make Sure These Legal Documents are Available

Ensure your college-bound child’s safety and peace of mind with essential legal documents for college students. HIPAA waivers, powers of attorney, and other documents are indispensable.
Celebrity Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

If you follow celebrity news, you can’t help but get a little education about estate planning—you could fill a whole textbook with their cautionary tales.