What Does Inflation Reduction Act Mean for Seniors?

One often unrecognized fact regarding drug pricing is the difference in bargaining power depending on what agency or group is doing the bargaining.
How Can I Save on Medicare Drugs?

Shopping around is one of few ways to knock anywhere from tens to thousands of dollars off your annual insurance costs in one fell swoop.
Why are the Elderly Making a Switch in Medicare Coverage?

A government report reveals a troubling pattern among Medicare enrollees in their last year of life.
Remember Medicare’s Important Deadlines

Learn the most important deadlines you or a loved one will have to keep in mind for Medicare.
What are Non-Traditional Options for Long-Term Care Insurance?

There are other types of policies and investments that you can use to get long-term care benefits.
Is an IRA Conversion a Good Idea when the Market Is Down?

Soaring inflation, interest rate hikes and the war in Ukraine have sparked ongoing stock market volatility. However, there may be a bright spot: the chance to save money on a Roth conversion.
Proposal to Improve Nursing Home Quality

White House officials on Monday outlined more than 20 separate actions, many of them sought by advocates and opposed by the industry.
Social Security Retirement Age Changing for Boomers and Beyond

While you can start Social Security payments at age 62, your monthly checks are reduced if you begin collecting benefits at this age. To claim your full benefit, you need to sign up for Social Security at your full retirement age, which varies by birth year.
What’s Elder Law and Do I Need It?

Why Elder Law Is Necessary? In two words: baby boomers.
Which Drugs are Going Up in Price?

Drug price hikes tend to happen at the start of every year, and 2022 is no exception, according to GoodRx.