What Do Elder Law Attorneys Do?

Elder law attorneys can help with a long list of legal matters that seniors often face…
Long-Term Care Costs

As retirees live longer, many worry about outliving their savings. However, many older Americans haven’t planned for a looming expense: the cost of long-term care.
Avoid Mistakes When You Become Eligible for Medicare

If you get your health insurance through the public marketplace and are nearing age 65, don’t forget about Medicare.
Will Congress Provide more Resources for Elder Care?

As the baby boom generation gets older, families are trying to figure out how to keep their parents out of nursing homes — which became even less attractive when Covid-19 ravaged assisted living facilities — while dealing with their growing and expensive needs. They’re also about to become the center of a political fight in Washington.
Assisted Living or Memory Care Communities – Which is a Better Choice?

Learn about two common senior living types—assisting living and memory care—and how to determine the best care for your elderly parent or spouse.
Should I Consider a Reverse Mortgage?

Reverse mortgages continue to be one of the most misunderstood retirement and long-term planning tools. Many myths surround the reverse mortgage program.
How Can I Be Better Long-Distance Caregiver for Dad?

Long pandemic lockdowns forced many older adults to become comfortable with video calls to stay connected with family. That, in turn, means that long-distance caregivers have a better way to see how their loved ones are faring.
Can I Be Paid for Caring for a Loved One?

Your chances of getting paid to be a family caregiver are best if you are caring for a U.S. military veteran or for someone eligible for Medicaid, but other possibilities exist.
Seven Items Medicare Doesn’t Cover

Medicare covers the majority of older Americans’ health care needs — from hospital care and doctor visits to lab tests and prescription drugs.
Can I Get a Tax Break for Long-Term Care?

The IRS allows some limited tax breaks on medical expenses and insurance premiums related to long-term care.