Essential Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Can I Avoid the Economic Dangers of Caregiving?

Caregiving Burnout

If caregiving looms in your future — and it likely does if you’re a daughter, an only child or the one (if you are, you know what I mean) — take time now to protect your financial life.

What Planning Should I Do in My 50s?

Estate planning in your 50s

If you are one of the many people who start getting serious about their finances as they reach their 50s, enjoy this guide for your next steps.

Will I Be Ready for Long-Term Care?

Crisis Planning Medicaid

For some, retirement means ‘where will we play today’s round of golf?’ For others, it could mean, ‘do I pay for my meds or my rent?’ In either case, a few concerns touch every retiree. The topic of long-term care is one of them, at least subconsciously. The question that causes more than a few sleepless nights is, ‘What happens when I can’t take care of myself anymore?’

How Do I Know If Dad Needs Personal Care Help?

Personal Care Assistance

Relationships can be complicated under the best of circumstances. However, when you see someone you love — like an aging parent, grandparent or close friend — struggle to take care of their health, stepping in isn’t always so simple.

Proposed Federal Funds for Home Care Services for the Elderly

Caregiving Burnout

For older people and people with disabilities, solving everyday practical problems can be the difference between being able to live at home or being forced to move to an institution. Sometimes people need help getting dressed or making meals. Sometimes they need help managing medications or shopping for groceries.

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