Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Key Documents For Your College Kid

College Kids need Estate Planning too!

A critical item is often missing from back-to-school college checklists — and it could be far more valuable than anything else your student takes to school this fall: signed legal documents.

What New Fathers Need to Know About Estate Planning

New Fathers Estate Planning

New fathers actively engaged in their children’s lives understand their responsibility to plan for the future. While the idea of parents dying and leaving young children without loving parents is unimaginable, it does happen.

Are There Less Restrictive Alternatives to Guardianship

Man with dementia may need less restrictive alternative to guardianship

Although laws vary from state to state, every state requires that less restrictive alternatives be considered before invoking a guardianship. These might include such vehicles as limited guardianships, powers of attorney or assisted decision-making agreements.

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