Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Single and Over 50? Estate Planning Is a Must

Middle aged woman planning after divorce.

The population of single adults without children aged 50 and over is growing. Estate planning for single people can protect your future quality of life and carry on your wishes when you’re gone.

Medicare Advantage: Costs and Consequences

Traditional Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage

As over half of Medicare beneficiaries are now enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, concerns are mounting over the increased financial burden these plans place on Medicare’s finances. Despite the higher costs, MA plans do not deliver better health outcomes or more affordable care for enrollees compared to Traditional Medicare.

Older Singles Can Plan to Protect Themselves

Smiling older woman - solo ager

Aging solo is about those individuals who are widowed or not married, live alone and have no family or none they can count on. They are going through the last years of their lives on their own. It can be just fine until one’s health declines and the usual activities and access to friends get out of reach.

Best Home Modifications to Maintain Independence

Accessible Home Modifications

As they get older, many — even most — Americans prefer to remain in their own homes as long as they can, AKA “age in place.” However, to do that, many will need to make their residences safer and easier to navigate, by making home modifications.

Top 5 Estate Planning Nightmares You Can Avoid with a Will

Asian American four generation family.

In the realm of estate planning, a common adage rings true: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” As an experienced estate planning attorney, I’ve witnessed firsthand the turmoil and heartache that can ensue when individuals neglect the crucial step of…

Good News about Social Security

Good news about Social Security.

For a long time, the Social Security Trustees have been warning that the retirement benefits system is facing some future financial hardships.

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