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Estate Planning Tips for Blended Families

Large blended family needs experienced estate planning attorney

Estate planning for blended families presents unique challenges. Unlike traditional family structures, reports Barrons recent article titled, “When Remarrying Creates a Blended Family: Advice From Financial Pros,” blended families often involve complex relationships and diverse financial backgrounds, making the process of estate and financial planning more intricate. This article has tips for blended families on identifying overall estate planning goals and concerns and identifying heirs to protect your new family and future.

Rethinking Retirement

Older couple in retirement

When contemplating retirement, a review of the past, present, and future highlights the relatively recent and complex evolution of this modern concept.

Gift and Estate Tax Exemption Limits Increase for 2024

Large, diverse family may benefit from 2024 Estate Tax Exemption increases.

It’s nobler to give than to take, the saying goes, and giving assets to loved ones while you’re still alive is a great way for them to enjoy the benefits right away—and for you to delight in seeing them enhance their lives.

Reasons Reviewing Your Will Ensures That Your Estate Plan Reflects Your Current Wishes

Photo of a Last Will and Testament with a pen.

Reviewing your will is something that many people know they should do but often put off. However, various life circumstances and legal changes can significantly impact your estate planning needs. Ensuring that your estate plan, including your will and other estate planning documents, reflects your current situation is essential for peace of mind and securing your beneficiaries’ future. Why Is it Crucial to Review Your Will Regularly? Your will is not a static legal document. As your life changes, so also might your wishes regarding how your assets are distributed after your death. It’s common for relationships, financial circumstances and…

Special Needs Planning

Disability Planning

Estate planning should always be customized to each individual creating a plan. This is particularly important when planning for beneficiaries with disabilities.

Social Security Cost of Living (COLA) Modest Increase in 2024

Social Security COLA increases for 2024

Social Security COLAs are tied to the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), a measure of price changes for a selection of goods and services, including food, energy, and medical care, that is reported monthly by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Can Unequal Inheritances Be Fair?

Large Family at Sunset - Unequal Inheritance

The important thing to acknowledge is that the emotions behind the reasons are not trivial, but are important and should not be dismissed or minimized.

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