Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

How to Protect Loved Ones from Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse Isolation Covid-19

The pandemic has kept our aging parents away from us and us away from them for over a year. This isolation is not total. Some people have access, some ignore warnings and some are intent on using the pandemic to hide their actions.

What Can an Agent Under a Power of Attorney Do?

Power of Attorney

The person signing the power of attorney, which gives someone else the authority to act for them, is called the ‘principal’ and the person who is given the power to act for you is called your ‘agent.’

How Does an Inherited IRA or 401(k) Work?

Inherited IRA or 401K

So, you inherited a retirement account. Before you make any decisions on when and how to access the money, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the rules that apply to different beneficiaries.

Trusts can Work for ‘Regular’ People

Estate Planning Gifting

When you hear the word trust fund, you might think of the uber-wealthy giving their kids a big chunk of cash on their 25th birthday. However, trust funds aren’t just for the rich.

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