What Should Be Included in Your Estate Plan?

The best time to do estate planning is ten years ago, but the second-best time to do so is now.
Should You Add Someone to Your Bank Account?

I know of someone who was joint account holder with his dad for many years, then later his dad then appointed him as power of attorney. How does that work? Is the son still a joint account holder?
8 Essential Estate Planning Documents

If you want loved ones to remember you fondly, tackle your estate planning tasks. Your heirs will thank you for not leaving a legal mess to sort out.
Do You Need an Estate Plan Check-up?

Many of our parents completed their estate plans decades ago. The documents may still be valid. However, if they are stale or outdated, you may spend significant money trying to use them down the road.
What are Top ‘To-Dos’ in Estate Planning?

The biggest misconception people have about estate planning is that “they are not that old and can do it later,” say almost half (49%) of advisors in a recent Key Private Bank Advisor Poll on estate planning. Yet, the majority (73%) of advisors say the ideal age to start putting an estate plan in place is before 40—earlier than many people think.
Uncertainty About When Family Members Can Make Your Medical Decisions?

Ensuring that your wishes on your medical care are followed, is up to you. Take action now while you’re well, or you could later lose a say in the matter during a crucial time.
When Should an Estate Plan Be Reviewed?

The documents may still be valid but if they are stale or outdated, you may spend significant money trying to use them down the road.
Your Last Will and Estate Planning Checklist

Most people should have a will, but it’s rarely the most significant estate planning document that an individual will hold.
What Does the Executor of an Estate Do?

If the deceased has a will, it usually names a close relative, friend, accountant, attorney or financial institution to act as executor of the will.
When Should Children Receive an Inheritance?

Is it better to help your children when you’re still alive? Or wait until after you die?