Proposed Changes in Tax Laws and Possible Retroactivity

As we enter into a new era of tax code proposals from the Biden administration, it’s important to be thinking about what those changes may mean when planning for the upcoming tax season and retirement.
What Kind of Trust Is Right for You?

Estate planning is a crucial part of any holistic financial plan, and financial advisors often work with estate planning attorneys for guidance in this area.
What You Need to Know about Probate

A will is a legal document that spells out the distribution of your assets and how your children will be cared for at your death. Probate is a process used to prove a decedent’s will is valid and to supervise the handling of their estate.
Do You Pay Income Tax when You Sell Inherited Property?

My great-grandfather was a farmer and had about 23 acres when he died. My grandfather passed away before my great-grandfather. The land was put in a trust for my mother and uncles. My mother passed away two years ago.
How Do I Address an Estranged Child in My Estate Planning?

Perhaps one of the most difficult, and increasingly common, estate planning questions involves the inclusion or disinheritance of an estranged child.
What are Responsibilities of Trustees and Executors?

A trustee is a fiduciary which, essentially, is a person that owes a legal, ethical and, perhaps, moral obligation to act in the interest of another.
What are the Advantages of a Testamentary Trust?

This legal document can also be beneficial in other situations, such as if you want to leave an inheritance to someone but aren’t sure they will use the gift wisely.
Does a Beneficiary on a Bank Account Override a Will?

Beneficiaries, in general, are people or entities that the holder of an account designates to receive the assets in the account, typically, in the event of the account holder’s death.
Publishing Tycoon’s Estate Planning Surprise

When the Scholastic Publishing Tycoon died suddenly his family was shocked they would not inherit his $1.2 billion company.
Lessons from Country Star Charley Pride’s Disputed Will

There’s a battle brewing over the estate of Grammy-winning country star Charley Pride, fueled by a son few knew existed.