Essential Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

What are Digital Assets in a Will?

digital assets

Most family members may not have a clue what we have floating out in cyberspace. Accessing or deleting accounts can be tricky for family members, if they don’t have your login credentials.

Who Should I Name as Trustee?

Long-term Care Insurance

You created your revocable living trust to hold your assets. You did so because of the probate avoidance and other benefits. You may have included sophisticated tax-planning provisions in your trust.

Can Elder Financial Abuse Be Stopped?

Elder Financial Abuse

The financial exploitation of elderly people comes at a great cost: It costs victims as much as $36.5 billion each year, according to the National Council on Aging. It can also be more difficult to detect than physical abuse and neglect because it’s often done by family members, trusted friends and caregivers.

Estate Planning when So Much Is Uncertain

IRA Inheritance Changes

Taxpayers should, of course, carefully consider whether to engage in a lifetime gifting strategy, which has other considerations beyond just estate taxes (such as the tradeoff with the ‘step‑up’ in basis, and non-tax family related considerations).

Now is the Right Time to Approach Parents about Estate Planning

Estate Tax Gifting Exemption

If you have a parent over the age of, say, 65, thoughts about their future may have started to creep into your mind. However, because end-of-life planning can be emotional and overwhelming, it’s tempting to put these conversations off—and even more pleasing to avoid them altogether.

Do Gifts Count Toward Estate Taxes?

Changes to Tax Laws

A recipient of a gift does not pay income taxes on the gift. However, the gift-giver may pay gift taxes, unless one of two exemptions applies.

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