Essential Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Can Estate Planning Reduce Taxes?

Tax Strategies

Once more hesitant to plan ahead, clients in today’s environment are much more proactive and willing to take action in the near term, rather than waiting and risking having to pay higher taxes down the line.

Can I Add Children’s Names to my House Deed?

Estate Planning for Blended Families - Large Family

It’s true that if your child is on your deed as a joint tenant on your home, your home will not have to go through probate if your child survives you. At your death, your surviving child would immediately become the sole owner of your home without probate and with minimal transfer costs.

What Happens to Parents’ Debt when They Die?

credit card debt paid by adult child?

Adult children typically don’t have to pay their parents’ bills. However, there are exceptions.  Even when a child doesn’t have to pay directly, debt could reduce what they inherit.

Update on Transfer Taxes for 2022

Estate Tax Planning 2022

Despite the various proposals to lower federal transfer tax (estate, gift and GST taxes) exemptions and increase the tax rates, none of them were enacted in 2021.

How Important is End-of-Life Planning?

Beneficiary Designation

Every individual needs some form of an estate plan to protect their wishes and loved ones. Your estate consists of everything that you own (aka your assets), and although death may seem far away, it is never too soon to get your estate plan in order.

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