Some Assets Better Left Outside of Will

That last will and testament you have tucked away? It may not be the last word on what happens to your stuff after you are gone. Instead, that legal document’s directives for doling out your wealth may be overruled by other paperwork and relevant laws.
How Should I Handle Memorabilia in My Estate Planning?

Memorabilia collections, by their nature, are specialized and unique. When considering your estate planning, it’s important to think about what you require of your beneficiaries — if you’re not planning on selling your collection — and how you can make that process as easy as possible for your family. What will your spouse or children have to deal with as they dispose of the items?
When Might I Need an Elder Law Attorney?

Experienced Elder Law attorneys provide comprehensive legal planning based on the needs and wishes of their clients.
Who Were the 119 Heirs to a Chicago Man’s $11 Million Estate?

It turns out it’s not just in the movies that you can get a huge inheritance from that uncle you never knew about.
What’s New in SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022?

In the dark of the night, snuggled within the 4,000+ page Omnibus Bill meant to keep the machine of government well-oiled, lies a passage that may change the future of retirement saving.
Who Gets Graceland after Lisa Marie Presley‘s Death?

Lisa Marie Presley‘s surviving three children will reportedly inherit her Graceland estate.
Retirees Burdened with Debt: What’s the Most Common?

Talk to just about any financial adviser, and they will urge you to enter retirement without debt. However, while a goal of beginning your golden years in the black is laudable, the reality can be very different.
Should Each Child Get Equal Inheritance?

Equally sharing the wealth among the children isn’t always fair, such as when one sibling is the primary caretaker, or another is already wealthy.
What Documents are Needed in an Emergency?

If you knock time and money off the excuse list, you can take care of some important estate-planning tasks.
How Safe Are Your Aging Parents?

As the American population of seniors continues to expand, the need for intentional estate planning becomes more urgent, especially for the children of aging parents.