Proposal to Improve Nursing Home Quality

White House officials on Monday outlined more than 20 separate actions, many of them sought by advocates and opposed by the industry.
What’s Elder Law and Do I Need It?

Why Elder Law Is Necessary? In two words: baby boomers.
Will I Be Ready for Long-Term Care?

For some, retirement means ‘where will we play today’s round of golf?’ For others, it could mean, ‘do I pay for my meds or my rent?’ In either case, a few concerns touch every retiree. The topic of long-term care is one of them, at least subconsciously. The question that causes more than a few sleepless nights is, ‘What happens when I can’t take care of myself anymore?’
Proposed Federal Funds for Home Care Services for the Elderly

For older people and people with disabilities, solving everyday practical problems can be the difference between being able to live at home or being forced to move to an institution. Sometimes people need help getting dressed or making meals. Sometimes they need help managing medications or shopping for groceries.
Alexa, How Can You Help Seniors?

Amazon has two new programs that integrate Alexa into hospitals and senior living communities, the company announced today.
What Do Elder Law Attorneys Do?

Elder law attorneys can help with a long list of legal matters that seniors often face…
What are Latest Trends in Senior Care Facility Design?

The senior care industry has undergone tremendous change recently. While senior care operations may be reshaped and reimagined, the same is occurring to the physical buildings and layouts of senior care communities. New trends are emerging, many of which will likely have a lasting impact on the industry.
Long-Term Care Costs

As retirees live longer, many worry about outliving their savings. However, many older Americans haven’t planned for a looming expense: the cost of long-term care.
Assisted Living or Memory Care Communities – Which is a Better Choice?

Learn about two common senior living types—assisting living and memory care—and how to determine the best care for your elderly parent or spouse.
Can I Be Paid for Caring for a Loved One?

Your chances of getting paid to be a family caregiver are best if you are caring for a U.S. military veteran or for someone eligible for Medicaid, but other possibilities exist.