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How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

What are Biggest Financial Blunders Folks make after 50?

financial blunders after 50

Reaching age 50 is a milestone that most of us celebrate. Still, after you’ve blown out the candles and bid farewell to your guests, you may have a headache from too much champagne, but otherwise feel the same as before.

What’s New in SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022?

Business News - SECURE Act 2.0

In the dark of the night, snuggled within the 4,000+ page Omnibus Bill meant to keep the machine of government well-oiled, lies a passage that may change the future of retirement saving.

Can You Catch-up? IRS Increases Contributions Limits

Retirement Account Contributions Nest Egg

If you find that you have fallen behind in your retirement savings, you are not alone.  Investment advisor Vanguard reported recently that only 14% of 401(k) participants contributed the maximum amount annually, and only 16% of eligible employees 50+ made additional catch-up contributions.

Can Estate Planning Reduce Taxes?

Tax Strategies

Once more hesitant to plan ahead, clients in today’s environment are much more proactive and willing to take action in the near term, rather than waiting and risking having to pay higher taxes down the line.

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