Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

How Do Unified Credit Gift Tax Exclusions Work?

Hands passing a nest egg through three generations.

Gift taxes and estate taxes are only applied if your bequeathed assets exceed a certain dollar amount. Here’s a look at what the unified tax credit is, how it relates to gift or estate taxes and who this credit impacts.

What Do Seniors Say About Aging in Place?

Older man experiencing social security fraud with Artificial Intelligence

For all the pain and disruption caused by COVID-19, at least one benefit appears to have come out of the pandemic for seniors: Their confidence about aging in place has soared!

What are the Tax Brackets for Next Year?

Tax Brackets 2023 Estate Tax Inheritance Tax

People pay many different kinds of taxes. You file an income tax return every spring, pay sales taxes when you buy things and pay property taxes if you own a home. These taxes apply to nearly everyone.

How Will Social Security Change Next Year?

Social Security COLA Benefits

Social Security recipients likely already know that their benefits get a bump almost every year to counteract the effect of inflation. However, that cost-of-living adjustment is just one of several annual tweaks to the Social Security system.

Estate Planning for a Changing Economy

Changing Economic Times

One goal of estate planning is to bring some certainty to a multitude of variables. Recent increases in inflation, interest rates and market volatility, however, are causing some experts to reassess their options.

Can I Retire in a Bear Market?

Retirement During a Bear Market

It is a longtime investor’s worst fear: retiring into a bear market. A downturn in stocks can be a blessing in disguise when you are still working and saving for retirement, because you are able to buy shares ‘on sale.’

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