Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

What are Latest Trends in Senior Care Facility Design?

Senior Housing Design Trends

The senior care industry has undergone tremendous change recently. While senior care operations may be reshaped and reimagined, the same is occurring to the physical buildings and layouts of senior care communities. New trends are emerging, many of which will likely have a lasting impact on the industry.

Is a Rollover IRA a Good Idea?

Uncertainty News

With Covid-triggered changes in the economy and more people taking early retirement or changing jobs, there has been a surge in rollovers from 401(k)s to individual retirement accounts.

Will Inflation Ruin My Retirement?

IRA Secure Act

As America’s economy reopens, we’re seeing higher inflation rates. This unwelcome surge should prompt retirees to consider the threat it could pose to their financial security.

Long-Term Care Costs

credit card debt paid by adult child?

As retirees live longer, many worry about outliving their savings. However, many older Americans haven’t planned for a looming expense: the cost of long-term care.

What Kind of Trust Is Right for You?

Estate Planning Gifting

Estate planning is a crucial part of any holistic financial plan, and financial advisors often work with estate planning attorneys for guidance in this area.

Key Dates for Planning Retirement

Key Dates for Retirement Planning

Each type of retirement benefit has a different eligibility age. Your age plays a big role in how much you can expect to receive from Social Security and what you need to do to avoid retirement account penalties.

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