Retirees Burdened with Debt: What’s the Most Common?

Talk to just about any financial adviser, and they will urge you to enter retirement without debt. However, while a goal of beginning your golden years in the black is laudable, the reality can be very different.
What Documents are Needed in an Emergency?

If you knock time and money off the excuse list, you can take care of some important estate-planning tasks.
How Safe Are Your Aging Parents?

As the American population of seniors continues to expand, the need for intentional estate planning becomes more urgent, especially for the children of aging parents.
Estate Planning Solutions for Second Marriages

I’m looking for guidance on where to start with planning in case something happens to me or my husband.
What about House Contents when Someone Dies?

It is quite a tragedy when a loved one passes away. You may want to remember them by keeping sentimental objects from their home, or perhaps they wanted you to inherit a specific item.
What Is the Purpose of a Pet Trust?

Many well-off pet owners have left millions of dollars to their cats, dogs and even chickens—perhaps most notoriously Leona Helmsley, who left US$12 million when she died in 2007 to her white Maltese dog Trouble.
What are the Tax Brackets for Next Year?

People pay many different kinds of taxes. You file an income tax return every spring, pay sales taxes when you buy things and pay property taxes if you own a home. These taxes apply to nearly everyone.
It Is Important to Update Your Estate Plan

Will there be changes in your circumstances or your family that should lead to a review of your plan? Could some events cause you to need to revise or update the plan?
How Did Olivia Newton-John Plan Her Estate?

Olivia Newton-John would have celebrated her 74th birthday on September 26. The Cambridge-born star earned millions for her efforts in music and entertainment, and a staggering final act of charity saw Newton-John’s family splitting their inheritance with her charities.
Are You Ready for 2026?

Because once 2026 arrives, many of the tax adjustments that were part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are expected to expire.