Who Pays Taxes, the Estate or Heirs?

The heirs of an estate can be liable to pay the estate or income taxes (and perhaps other obligations) of the estate.
Estate Planning for Blended Families

Traditional, simple estate planning may not be sufficient to accomplish estate planning goals in many blended family situations.
What is a Pour-Over Will?

This type of will can ensure that your assets go where you want them to. However, there are many misconceptions about them.
Top Five Mistakes to Avoid When Passing Wealth to the Next Generation

What could go wrong with this transfer of generational wealth? Several things, in fact.
Can a Vacation Home Be Kept in the Family for Generations?

These vacation homes may also comprise a significant portion of the family’s wealth. Therefore, it’s understandable that homeowners want to pass their properties and family traditions to future generations.
Singles Need Estate Planning to Protect During Lifetime

You’re single, and you don’t have an estate plan or even a will. Perhaps you think you don’t need either because you’re not wealthy and don’t have children.
What are the Consequences of Dying Without a Will?

When you die, a section of law known as estate and probate law governs how your assets are distributed.
Can We Learn from the Presley’s Estate Fight?

Priscilla Presley’s fight to remain trustee of Lisa Marie Presley’s trust can teach anyone a few lessons on proper estate planning.
Understanding the Issues of Elder Law

The three main areas of focus for elder law attorneys include health care, estate and tax planning and guardianship matters.
What Is the Meaning of Step-Up in Basis?

Step-up in basis, also known as stepped-up basis, is a wrinkle in the federal tax code that can help heirs avoid or reduce taxes on inherited assets.