Does Inflation Reduction Act have Impact on Seniors?
Inflation Reduction Act limits out-of-pocket drug costs, caps insulin copays, makes vaccines free.
Will OTC Hearing Devices Be More Affordable?
On August 16, 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published its final rule establishing a new over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids category.
Can You Catch-up? IRS Increases Contributions Limits
If you find that you have fallen behind in your retirement savings, you are not alone. Investment advisor Vanguard reported recently that only 14% of 401(k) participants contributed the maximum amount annually, and only 16% of eligible employees 50+ made additional catch-up contributions.
What Does Inflation Reduction Act Mean for Seniors?
One often unrecognized fact regarding drug pricing is the difference in bargaining power depending on what agency or group is doing the bargaining.
Who Inherits Queen Elizabeth II’s Fortune?
Is Prince Charles III the sole heir of Queen Elizabeth’s fortune?
How Not to Build a Family NFL Dynasty
A decade before his death, the billionaire owner of the Denver Broncos consulted with attorneys about the orderly handover of the team after his death. He crafted a carefully delineated trust that his hand-picked trustees would oversee.
Remember Medicare’s Important Deadlines
Learn the most important deadlines you or a loved one will have to keep in mind for Medicare.
Will Inflation Have Impact on My Retirement?
Inflation hurts everyone. It seems to reach every sector, product and business in one way or another, whether it raises the cost of heating your home, lunches or road trips. However, if you’re a retiree, you may be particularly worried about inflation because your spending habits and income sources might be disproportionately exposed to inflation.
What Happens to Digital Assets After Death?
Regardless of the preferred record-keeping mode, most people have some sort of digital footprint, making it important to know who would have access to your digital assets if you became incapacitated and how those assets would be distributed in the event you pass away.
What’s the Latest with Aretha Franklin’s Estate?
Aretha Franklin’s long-standing $7.8 million debt to the Internal Revenue Service has been paid in full, her estate says in a new court filing.