Can I Restructure Assets to Qualify for Medicaid?
Several types of special income trusts and other strategies can be helpful, when trying to protect your family’s assets from the devastating costs of long-term care.
Who Should I Name as Trustee?
You created your revocable living trust to hold your assets. You did so because of the probate avoidance and other benefits. You may have included sophisticated tax-planning provisions in your trust.
Estate Planning Brings Peace of Mind
Estate planning is a key piece of a comprehensive retirement plan.
Do I Have to Pay Off My Deceased Husband’s Debts?
Losing your spouse is a painful, confusing time, but add to that repeated calls from an aggressive debt collector and a bad situation suddenly can get even worse.
Any Ideas How to Pay for Long-Term Care?
The costs of long-term care for older adults can be significant. Federal Medicare health insurance benefits do not cover most of these costs. Most people who incur costs for long-term care cover them with a combination of personal savings, long-term care insurance and Medicaid, among other sources.
What Taxes Have to Be Paid When Someone Dies?
Tax obligations continue on despite the passing of a loved one, and in some cases, come about because of it. Tax deadlines pose a challenge for grieving families.
Why It’s Necessary to Have a Medical Power of Attorney?
Selecting medical powers of attorney is an important step that aging parents should take to ensure they get the care they wan,t if they are unable to advocate for themselves.
Will I Be Ready for Long-Term Care?
For some, retirement means ‘where will we play today’s round of golf?’ For others, it could mean, ‘do I pay for my meds or my rent?’ In either case, a few concerns touch every retiree. The topic of long-term care is one of them, at least subconsciously. The question that causes more than a few sleepless nights is, ‘What happens when I can’t take care of myself anymore?’
How Do I Know If Dad Needs Personal Care Help?
Relationships can be complicated under the best of circumstances. However, when you see someone you love — like an aging parent, grandparent or close friend — struggle to take care of their health, stepping in isn’t always so simple.
What If Your Nest Egg Runs Dry in Retirement?
Americans say this is where they would turn, if they found themselves in a financial crisis during retirement.