Proposal to Improve Nursing Home Quality
White House officials on Monday outlined more than 20 separate actions, many of them sought by advocates and opposed by the industry.
Dying Parent’s Financial Affairs Can Be Challenging
Dealing with a sick family member is a challenging and emotional time.
Can End-of-Life Planning Increase Control for Cancer Patients?
An end-of-life program that enables patients with advanced cancer to document their wishes can enhance feelings of life completion, improve relationships with healthcare providers and decrease death-related anxiety, according to a presentation at the 2021 Virtual Association of Community Cancer Centers National Oncology Conference.
Inheritance Alternatives to a Stretch IRA?
Leaving behind a huge tax bill for your heirs with the stretch IRA scuttled? Here are some ways around it as lawmakers consider an updated SECURE Act.
How Do I Talk to My Parents About Estate Planning?
If you have a parent over the age of, say, 65, thoughts about their future may have started to creep into your mind. But because end-of-life planning can be emotional and overwhelming, it’s tempting to put these conversations off — and even more pleasing to avoid them altogether. If there’s a lesson to be learned from the pandemic, however, it’s that waiting until the last minute to prepare is seldom a good idea.
What are My Responsibilities if I’m Named an Executor?
If a loved one asks you to be the executor of their estate, think carefully before you take on this responsibility. While you have the option of declining the request, the person reaching out likely considers you to be responsible and detail oriented. An executor of an estate typically helps file paperwork, close accounts and distribute the assets of the deceased.
Can You Get a Tax Deduction for Giving a Gift?
In terms of federal tax law changes, the last year had much ado but little change.
What Can Trusts Do for Me and My Family?
Trusts are often associated with the rich, but the uber-wealthy are not the only people who can benefit from using trusts. There is no minimum asset level or net worth required to set up a trust, and you can put any amount of money into a trust.
Is Palliative Care Only Pain Management?
The COVID pandemic has shown how palliative care can also be valuable for managing the pain and stress of illness.
Why Is Estate Planning Review Important?
Your estate planning is done, but is it? A periodic review is an important ongoing step to your planning.