How Much Sleep Should Seniors Get?
Sleeping too little or too much is associated with poorer cognitive performance and mental health.
Second Marriages and Estate Planning
More Americans are now getting married over the age of 65 than ever before. Even though this may be a second or third marriage for many, caregivers should nevertheless be aware of certain aspects that shouldn’t be ignored amidst all the wedding plans and celebrations.
Does ‘Gray Divorce’ Fit into Estate Planning?
“Gray divorce” — the unfortunately named term for divorce after age 50 — is increasing among baby boomers.
Do All Powers of Attorney Grant the Same Decision-Making?
The law sometimes appears to contradict itself. Specifically, the words ‘anything and everything’ do not always legally mean ‘anything and everything’.
Can Playing Golf Lower Risk of Dementia?
Japanese study found older male golfers were 37% less likely to get dementia.
Do Most People Need a Living Trust?
If you’re putting together an estate plan, you have no doubt heard about the benefits of a living trust.
When are You Required to File a Gift Tax Return?
The IRS wants to know how much you’re gifting over the course of your lifetime. This is because while gifts may be based on generosity, they are also a strategy for avoiding taxes, including estate taxes, reports The Street in a recent article “Do I Need to File a Gift Tax Return?” Knowing whether you…
What Do I Need to Know About Long-Term Care Insurance?
Long-term care insurance covers expensive nursing care needs. However, is it a good investment? Here’s what experts say about what you should take into account.
Research News in Finding a Cure for Alzheimer’s
More than 40 genes have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease for the first time, in a “landmark” study offering hope for better diagnosis and treatment.
How Bad Is Caregiver Burnout?
A new study showed that caregiver burnout is becoming a growing problem.