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How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

Why are All WWII Vets Getting VA Medical Benefits?

US Veterans from WWII to receive VA Medical Care

All living World War II veterans would be eligible for Veterans Affairs medical services and nursing home care under language included in the federal budget bill expected to be approved by lawmakers this week.

What’s New in SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022?

Business News - SECURE Act 2.0

In the dark of the night, snuggled within the 4,000+ page Omnibus Bill meant to keep the machine of government well-oiled, lies a passage that may change the future of retirement saving.

Can New Blood Test Predict Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer's Research - Brain Scans

Researchers from the University of Washington developed a laboratory test that can measure toxic amyloid proteins – known as amyloid beta oligomers – in blood samples and potentially detect Alzheimer’s disease years before symptoms develop.

Retirees Burdened with Debt: What’s the Most Common?

Talk to just about any financial adviser, and they will urge you to enter retirement without debt.  However, while a goal of beginning your golden years in the black is laudable, the reality can be very different.

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