Can New Blood Test Predict Alzheimer’s Disease?
Researchers from the University of Washington developed a laboratory test that can measure toxic amyloid proteins – known as amyloid beta oligomers – in blood samples and potentially detect Alzheimer’s disease years before symptoms develop.
Why Is Chris Hemsworth More Likely to Develop Alzheimer’s Disease?
Chris Hemsworth underwent genetic testing for an episode of his docuseries Limitless — and found out he has an 8 to 10 times greater chance of getting Alzheimer’s.
Does Mediterranean Diet Reduce Dementia Risk?
Following a well-balanced diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables and low in sugar can have many benefits to your health, including reducing a person’s risk of dementia. However, a popular and well-recommended meal plan known as the Mediterranean diet may not lower the odds of developing dementia as previous research had suggested.
Do Ultra-Processed Foods Make a Big Difference in Cognitive Decline?
Middle-age people who ate more ultra-processed foods — white bread, candy bars, cookies, frozen meals and soda, for example — were modestly more likely to have subsequent cognitive decline, a prospective study in Brazil showed.
Can Caregiver Burnout Be Prevented?
Providing care for an aging relative or loved one is often physical and emotionally challenging. Learn how to recognize the early signs of burnout – and how to prevent it.
Are There Less Restrictive Alternatives to Guardianship
Although laws vary from state to state, every state requires that less restrictive alternatives be considered before invoking a guardianship. These might include such vehicles as limited guardianships, powers of attorney or assisted decision-making agreements.
Why are Many Dementia Cases Undiagnosed?
More than 41 million people living with dementia worldwide have not yet been diagnosed, according to a report by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI).
Is Napping Good for Seniors?
When you are sleepy, a nap seems like a wise idea. However, that midday shut-eye might indicate you are at higher risk of hypertension and stroke, according to new research.
Can My Pet Help Me in Old Age?
We all know that Fido and Fifi can be a balm for your heart. As it turns out, a pet also may help protect your brain.
What Games Keep My Mind Sharp as I Age?
It’s never too late to benefit from taking up this type of activity.