Important Masterclass
How to Pay for Care without Going Bankrupt

What Does it Mean to be Dementia Friendly?

Dementia Friendly Checklist

“A Dementia-Friendly community is informed, safe, and respectful of individuals living with dementia, their families and caregivers, and provides supportive options that foster a good quality of life.” The Dementia Friendly Movement Dementia Friendly America envisions an America where individuals living with dementia and their care partners can live, engage, and thrive in the […]

Can Caregiver Burnout Be Prevented?

Can Caregiver Burnout be Prevented?

Providing care for an aging relative or loved one is often physical and emotionally challenging. Learn how to recognize the early signs of burnout – and how to prevent it.

This Breathing Trick may Make You More Heart-Healthy

Older Women Exercising outside

A simple five-minute daily breathing exercise lowers blood pressure and potentially improves heart health as well as — or even better than — exercise or medications, say researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder.

What Is Elder Law?

Photo of Certified Elder Law Attorney John McNair

Elder Law is made up of three major categories, which can be broken down further into deeper topics.

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