Asset Protection Planning Strategies to Protect Seniors from Financial Scams
The heartbreaking story of a retired therapist who lost nearly $600,000 to an elaborate scam underscores the need for asset protection strategies to safeguard seniors from increasingly sophisticated financial fraud schemes.
How to Avoid a Will Contest in Six Steps
Good communication together with strategies like no-contest clauses and competency verification can help you avoid a will contest.
Choose Wisely When Naming an Agent with a Power of Attorney
Children may have moved away or lost touch. Old contacts may have died or become disabled. You cannot trust everyone and criminal cases based on misuse of a power of attorney do exist.
Does Healthy Lifestyle Have an Impact on Memory Decline?
Memory decline was slower for older adults who had a healthy lifestyle, even for people with high genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease, data from a Chinese study showed.
What Is Elder Law?
Elder Law is made up of three major categories, which can be broken down further into deeper topics.
How Older Adults Fight Isolation and Give Back to Their Communities
Volunteering and charitable giving are enriching and rewarding ways for older adults to stay connected, fight social isolation, and be engaged while making a difference in their communities.
What is North Texas Giving Day?
Every year, North Texas Giving Day brings the community together to create meaningful change. Held annually in September, this 18-hour online giving event offers a unique opportunity for individuals, businesses, and organizations to rally around local nonprofits.
What Does it Mean to be Dementia Friendly?
“A Dementia-Friendly community is informed, safe, and respectful of individuals living with dementia, their families and caregivers, and provides supportive options that foster a good quality of life.” The Dementia Friendly Movement Dementia Friendly America envisions an America where individuals living with dementia and their care partners can live, engage, and thrive in the […]
What Are the True Costs of Living with Dementia?
Without proper planning, the individual with dementia and their family may struggle to cover the costs associated with their care and may face financial stress and uncertainty.
Can Someone Living with Dementia Sign Legal Documents?
Families and their loved ones with dementia need to start advance care planning after receiving a diagnosis of dementia. Medical experts and attorneys can help your loved one to be involved in their care planning.