Top 5 Telehealth Preparation Tips
When you used to think of a typical doctor’s appointment, you might conjure up images of waiting rooms, stethoscopes and maybe stickers. Now, that image has changed quite a bit. With the world shifting to increasingly remote communication amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, health appointments are often being limited to extended phone calls and video interactions. This is referred to as ‘telehealth.’
If Your Spouse Is Seriously Ill, Get Your Estate Plan in Order
Planning for the death of a spouse is difficult and painful. It involves conversations that we don’t want to have.
Elder Financial Abuse Increases with Social Isolation
The unprecedented quarantines to protect against the spread of the novel coronavirus have made many seniors more vulnerable to financial exploitation.
COVID-19 Risk Increases with Age & Underlying Conditions
These chronic health problems worry doctors the most, when it comes to the coronavirus.