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Be the Good: $66 Million Raised in One Day

McNair Dallas Law

NTx Giving Day Doing Good

At the conclusion of the 18-hour day of giving, 100,000 donors from all 50 states and 26 countries had donated over $66 million.  A good day, indeed.

Yesterday was a good day for Dallas.

For over a decade, The Communities Foundation of Texas has organized North Texas Giving Day each September “providing an easy way for people to support their community by donating to local nonprofits while simultaneously bolstering the nonprofit sector by providing fundraising tools and support.” according to an article by NBCDFW.

Over the past 13 years, the annual event has raised more than $440 million for area non-profits, and 2021 was the most successful year yet.

At the conclusion of the 18-hour day of giving, 100,000 donors from all 50 states and 26 countries had donated over $66 million.  A good day, indeed.

Dave Scullin, President and CEO of Communities Foundation of Texas said “our local nonprofit organizations have truly risen to the occasion to ensure that during these very uncertain times, people and animals are fed, children are educated and cared for, veterans and senior citizens get the health services they need.”

“We are so grateful to all of the good donors, sponsors, and volunteers that gave so generously in support of the nonprofits that are making our community a better and more equitable place to live and work.” Scullin concluded.

Many people choose charitable giving as part of their Estate PlanTalk with an experienced Estate Planning Attorney experienced with Tax Law to help you ensure your favorite charities are included in your planning.

Source:  NBCDFW

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